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Create your CV in English and recruitment interview

Contact :
SOLER Laetitia
Catégorie :
Poursuite de carrière
Parcours :
 Itinéraire Carrières Internationales
Itinéraire Connaissance de l'entreprise
Nombre d'heures :
Max participants :
Public prioritaire :
Public concerné :
  Tout doctorant de Toulouse
Lieu :
Université de Toulouse - Maison de la Recherche et de la Valorisation (MRV) , 75 Cours des Sciences, 118 route de Narbonne
Langue de l'intervention :
Mots clés :
 CV, Recruitment, cover letter

Objectifs :

• Build an effective application that will match recruiter’s expectations
• Value one’s skills through effective and targeted communication tools (written and oral)
• Identify the different types of recruitment interviews and know how to convince your interviewer

NB : the advices that will be given during this course are mainly based on the French recruiting market

Programme :

• Understanding the point of building a job seeking strategy before applying to any job
• How to build a job-oriented CV (NB: the academic CV will not be detailed during this course)
• How to build an effective cover letter
• How to prepare and be convincing for a job interview

Equipe pédagogique :

Cabinet de consultants en ressources humaines