Postdoctorat physic magnetism acoustic (M/F)
  • 23701
  • CNRS 49.jpg>
  • CDD
  • 2024-10-15
  • Chimie ou/ou Biochimie analytique

  • The postdoc will be involved in two projects focusing on the coupling of surface acoustic waves and spin waves to create new spin-wave majority gates (ANR SACOUMAD) or phase-shifting arrays using SAW-FMR coupling (European horizon project MandMEMS). In these projects, it is therefore necessary to excite SAWs at high frequencies ~4-6 GHz to obtain applications in new information and telecommunication technologies, and to control SW emission.
    - Cleanroom sample production using optical and electronic lithography
    - Magneto-acoustic measurements
    - Brillouin spectroscopy and TR-MOKE (Time Resolved - Magneto Optical Kerr Effect) measurements

  • - Knowledge of surface acoustic wave generation, impedance matching, etc.
    - Know-how in clean room, electronic and optical lithography, dry etching and deposition.
    - Knowledge of magnetism would be a plus, but can be acquired.
    - Use of multiphysics simulation tools (e.g. COMSOL) would be an asset.
    - Taste for teamwork